Do you want to enhance your buttocks but are not ready to go through the long BBL surgery recovery or deal with butt implants? You may hear people talking about how BBL can enhance natural curves, but did you know there is another option? At JustGO Lipo in Scottsdale, we offer the best alternative to a traditional BBL, the Just Go Home Booty! This non-invasive Brazilian butt lift enhances the buttocks without surgery. Our unique approach lets patients return to their daily routines immediately after the procedure! No downtime! No garment! Just Go Home!
Do you want to enhance your buttocks but are not ready to go through the long BBL surgery recovery or deal with butt implants? You may hear people talking about how BBL can enhance natural curves, but did you know there is another option? At JustGO Lipo in Scottsdale, we offer the best alternative to a traditional BBL, the Just Go Home Booty! This non-invasive Brazilian butt lift enhances the buttocks without surgery. Our unique approach lets patients return to their daily routines immediately after the procedure! No downtime! No garment! Just Go Home!
As people age, it is normal for the buttocks to lose some volume, firmness, and shape. Weight fluctuations, genetics, and lifestyle factors can also contribute to a saggy backside. The good news is that going under the knife is not the only option now to achieve fuller, well-rounded buttocks.
A non-surgical BBL, or liquid BBL, is an innovative technique for butt enhancement involving the use of Bellafill and Sculptra injections. These dermal fillers add volume to the buttocks, improve their shape, and correct imperfections, such as dimpling or hip dips. This is a great way to enhance the curves without undergoing an invasive BBL surgery with a prolonged recovery time. Unlike the traditional BBL, our treatment does not require fat transfer, which allows Dr. Singh to avoid many risks.
We offer two types of dermal fillers for a non-surgical BBL: Sculptra and Bellafill. Both are great options to achieve significant cosmetic improvements. The only difference is the mechanism by which they work. Here is a brief description of each option:
Sculptra dermal fillers are FDA-approved injections containing poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), which drives collagen production. This treatment increases the volume of the buttocks by stimulating the deeper layers of the skin. Once injected, PLLA leads to an inflammatory response. As a result, collagen production and deposition are stimulated in the extracellular spaces, leading to a plumper and fuller appearance.
During the Sculptra treatment, several injections of PLLA are made in the buttocks, eventually improving the volume, shape, and firmness. Local anesthesia can make patients more comfortable during this cosmetic procedure.
Butt enhancement with Sculptra may take several weeks because multiple injections might be needed. Generally, the treatments are spaced at 4-6 weeks. This allows the previous injections to work and achieve their maximum results.
With the Sculptra butt lift procedure, there is a minimal risk of scarring. Patients do not need comprehensive post-procedure care. Because of its minimal complications, Sculptra butt lift treatment is considered the safest option for cosmetic enhancement of the buttock area. The results might not be as dramatic as after a surgical BBL. However, they are more natural and realistic, helping patients achieve a rounded, lifted backside.
Bellafill is a dermal filler composed of tiny polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) microspheres suspended in a smooth collagen gel. When injected, PMMA increases volume by direct deposition and leads to an inflammatory response that stimulates the production of collagen and skin proteins. These processes expand the tissue, improving the buttocks’ shape, firmness, and volume.
The body does not absorb the PMMA spheres, so they are safe and do not cause allergic reactions. These elements also make the results long-lasting since they prevent the filler from breaking down. PMMA spheres stimulate collagen growth for as long as they stay in the body, which is why they are also used for acne scar treatment. In addition, Bellafill dermal fillers are suitable for covering areas of the body with large volumes, such as the buttocks, due to their long-lasting results and safety profile. Overall, this minimally invasive treatment is an excellent option for butt lift because it increases volume and improves the shape of the backside. Bellafill is the top collagen-stimulating dermal filler.
Our patients can focus on correcting minor imperfections. If they are not ready to have a complete butt augmentation, Dr. Singh helps them by just filling in specific areas of the backside. Our procedures are fully customizable – we can always find a solution that fits the patient’s aesthetic goals and needs.
The patient is invited to a procedure room, where they are positioned comfortably on the treatment table. Dr. Singh sterilizes the target areas to prevent infection.
Topical numbing cream is often applied to the injection sites 30 minutes before the procedure. This helps reduce discomfort and make the patient feel at ease. Dr. Singh may also use a local anesthetic, like lidocaine, to numb the area. The patient remains awake for the entire procedure.
Using a very fine needle, Dr. Singh injects small amounts of the dermal filler in a fanning pattern to augment and lift the buttocks. Sculptra or Bellafill is delivered deeper into the tissue to stimulate collagen production. The dermal filler provides immediate volume. Multiple injection sites are used to distribute the substance evenly and achieve a smooth, natural look.
Dr. Singh massages the areas to ensure that the filler is applied evenly. The injection sites may also be covered with sterile bandages or dressings to protect them from infection and promote healing. Total procedure time is generally 1-2 hours.
Slight bruising, puffiness, numbness, and swelling in the target area may occur. This is nothing to worry about, as Dr. Singh thoroughly guides each patient on what to expect after the procedure and how to deal with these minor side effects. Most importantly, liquid BBL does not disrupt people’s daily routines. Massaging the treated area for a few days after the procedure is usually all that is required for recovery.
It depends on the patient and their goals. Some people want a dramatic transformation into an hourglass figure like that of Kardashians, while others desire a more natural, subtle lift that complements their body.
Non-surgical procedures using dermal fillers like Sculptra or Bellafill have become an increasingly popular alternative to a traditional BBL for buttocks augmentation. The benefits of this non-invasive approach include:
The cost of a nonsurgical butt lift in Scottsdale ranges from $1,500 to $6,000. The price varies depending on the amount of product used, the size of the area being treated, and the desired results. Most patients need more than one procedure to achieve optimal improvement in shape and volume.
JustGO Lipo offers excellent care and a free consultation. Dr. Singh will evaluate your case during the first meeting and provide a price quote. We also offer flexible financing to make our procedures more convenient.
With over 15 years of experience, Dr. Navjot Singh brings exceptional skill and artistry to JustGO Lipo. He creates custom treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs and goals. Dr. Singh’s deep knowledge and artistic talent help him achieve ideal body contours.
JustGO Lipo makes each patient feel cared for. Our practice is an excellent choice for people seeking a non-surgical BBL because we provide beautiful, natural-looking results under the expertise of an award-winning doctor.
Phone: (480) 405-5200
Fax: (480) 270-5923
Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed